Castello Borgoloco 5098/a 30122 Venezia
Via G. B. Grassi 2 30173 Mestre VE Italia

Tel: +390415261323 (Venezia)
+39041972899 (Mestre)



The Study of Architecture FATTORE-NASON formerly the architecture’s study BERTO-FATTORE-NASON began its activity in embryonic form in 1989, and, officially from 1993 with the establishment as an association and mainly deals with the restoration and relief of monuments, both in the field local and national. As it is possible to retrace after more than thirty years of activity, the sector of architectural instrumental survey and design aimed to conservation are always the sectors of greatest commitment even if there have been important experience regarding the construction of newbuildings in area protected form an environmental point of view. For all its procedures, the architecture study has been in possession of the ISO 9001:2015 Certification since 2005.
ISO 9001:2008