Via Poledrelli 21 44121 Ferrara FE Italia

Tel: 05321915354



The firm develops several kinds of activities thanks to a team whose members have different abilities mainly in the field of the take-over and compact(solid)or virtual display of an object, an environment(context) or a concept. The company focuses its work and provides its services on rapid chalk prototyping, a new technology which requires specific equipment, purchased by the firm and still barely used in the country. Prototyping allows many activities such as: – execution of architectural models – cooperation with museums and “sovrintendenza ” (regional boards for the preservation of cultural heritage) for the execution of copies of sculptural works of art where prototyping is supported by laser scanning and digital model processing – execution of design or customized objects, in any shape or dimension to obtain a tridimensional modeling Tryeco also focuses its attention and work on the field of multimedia communication , carrying out videos and animations often with tridimensional processing of the contents. This kind of service is mainly requested by public authorities or firms sponsoring exhibitions in trade fairs or advertising design projects. A specific and technical knowledge and high hardware and software competence allow hybridization of products and processes so has to obtain the best result, with no a waste of time and a better control on the internal activities.
An important recent collaboration which TryeCo 2.0 is proud, thanks to Todo and Compagnia di San Paolo, is the one with the Egyptian Museum, which opened April 1, 2015 with a new production. TryeCo 2.0 in recent months has dealt with the realization of reproductions of 16 different works of the Egyptian Museum, which launched last October the ‘Shipping’ Egyptian museum exhibition in 2015. A trip completely renovated and equipped with new installations and services interactive, whose purpose was to make it even more exciting and fascinating “time travel” in the most important museum – after Cairo – dedicated to Egyptology. All thanks to an unusual combination of history and technology, which has made possible through the use of 3D printers the perfect reproduction of exhibits in the historic Palace of the Academy of Sciences from 1824 that houses the vast collection of archaeological finds.
Reproductions that obviously have not taken away space to authentic works of the museum, but were placed in installations – interactive and non – visible from the outside of the building. The two main examples are the large hourglass glass placed in front of the Academy of Sciences in Piazza San Carlo and the Egyptian shrine interactive Expedition 2015: installation traveling in various parts of the Piedmontese capital through which curious and fans were able to ‘dig’ through a mechanical arm in the sand inside the glass case so revealing secrets. Secrets made their TryeCo by 2.0 by scanning and 3D playback – with a level of precision to the tenth of a millimeter – of the works of the Egyptian Museum. The hourglass has instead begun its ‘countdown’ a few weeks before the April 1, and while the sand flowed down slowly approaching the moment when it was revealed his hidden treasure at the top, the Goddess Hathor made by TryeCo 2.0.
Over the years then, TryeCo 2.0, initially as TryeCo snc, has worked in architecture with numerous prominent professionals, while, in the field of preservation of cultural heritage, tackled interesting commitments as: the laser scanner survey of different architectural complexes, including Palazzo Farnese in Parma and some church buildings in Bondeno in after the earthquake of 2012 for the creation of 2D drawings. In the field of sculptural reliefs in high definition, was responsible, among others, the importance of the Model in Roman times of a stage for the virtual reconstruction of the original state and pad face Matidia Minor, then used to produce a copy with 3D printing technologies to be exhibited at the Museum of the Canopus of Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli. In its first year of operation the company has made the copy of the interior of the Madonna of Pietranico, used for the relocation of the fragments of the statue damaged by the earthquake of 2009, has also completed important collaborations with the region Valle d ‘ Aosta for copies exhibition in scale 1: 1 of one of the stems of Saint-Martin-De-Corleans and other major local operas, such as playing the written Pondel Pont d’Ael and currently reproductions of gargoyles Castle Fenis . At the inauguration of the MEIS “National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Holocaust” of Ferrara held December 21, 2011, TryeCo 2.0 has made some installations for the exhibition entitled “MEIS version Beth[a]”. In particular, the video is illustrative of Italy of Lights, an application on desktop PCs that explains the stages of analysis, design and renovation of the entire complex, which will be updated with the progress of the construction site and, finally, a small application of augmented reality which allows visitors to “explore playing” the 3D model of the future museum and the model of the Jewish Ghetto of Ferrara made the famous “plant isometric” the Bolzoni. The collaboration of the company with the Ferrara Research Consortium and the University of Ferrara has allowed us to realize the 1:10 scale model of the New Sacristy by Michelangelo (FI) with rapid prototyping system to chalk dust and the model in scale 1: 2 of Monolith TLALTECUHITLI found in Mexico City with a system of numerically controlled milling and scanning Armor of Colchis. TryeCo 2.0 is the experience gained by TryeCo for managing important projects for the Cultural Heritage as: the construction and installation of the copy in 1: 1 (110 sqm) of part of the settlement Protohistoric (XVIII – VIII century BC.), in the Archaeological Park of Scalo di Furno (LE), or treatment of multimedia installations and audiovisual content and applications for the Museo Archeologico Campano of Capua. In architecture, TryeCo 2.0 has recently made two scale models for the residential complex “Borgo la Bagnaia” and some models on display at the Maxxi museum in Rome.
Saturday, December 4, 2011 the Chamber of Commerce of Ferrara celebrated in the conference room of Largo Castello, the Day of Gratitude Provincial. A ceremony which, although now in its 49th edition, has maintained intact over time its value ideal: to report to public opinion those people, associations and companies, in the fields of economy, science, culture and solidarity, They have distinguished themselves, contributing to economic and social progress of the province. On this occasion Tryeco 2.0 received the Special Recognition “Young Entrepreneur” in memory of Romeo Sgarbanti for significant, promising results obtained by a young company in the production of models and virtual prototypes and solid.
The company has worked for many important customers:
Egyptian Museum of Turin
Regione Autonoma Valle d’Aosta
Biennale of Architecture in Venice
Museum of the Canopus of Hadrian’s Villa in Tivoli
Studio of Architecture David Chipperfield
Fiera di Bologna
Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and Landscape of Taranto
Realization of Plastic Scale 1: 100 of the Villa Gernetto
Realization of some Plastic del Borgo “the Bagnaia” in Tuscany
Realization of multimedia content for the Museum Campano Capua
Ferrara Research Consortium