_ Presentation of “ITA Agency”
_ Presentation of “Assorestauro”


Alessandro Zanini | President of Assorestauro
Shahriar Nasekhian | Dean of Faculty of Conservation & Restoration
Faramarz Parsi | CEO at EK


The surface of historic buildings as a restoration issue – Donatella Fiorani | Full Professor of “Sapienza” University of Rome

Restoration of Monumental facades. Design procedures – Studio Berlucchi srl

Experimental diagnostic non-destructive analysis – Progetto PSC srl

Nanolime, nanosilica, bacteria. New technologies for the restoration of decorated surfaces – Bresciani srl

Restoration Made in Italy – Italiana Costruzioni spa

Palmyra – Tryeco 2.0 srl

Restoration between tradition and innovation – Michela Palazzo | Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism – Conservator-Restorer

Fondi Cal Aquileia Restoration – Ibix srl

Diagnostic as a tool for restoration and conservation of wall paintings, sculptures and decorative apparatus: applications – Cristellotti & Maffeis srl

Most advanced techniques for the preservation of decorated surfaces – El.En spa

Microclimate analysis: diagnosis and monitoring – Carlo Cacace | Director section microclimate models and data management IsCR

The Charles Bridge in Prague – Mapei spa

Restoration of “Casale di Piazza Armerina” Roman Villa. Sicily – Cooperativa Archeologia

Electrophysical dehumidification of masonry – Tecnova Group srl

Heritage enhancement and communication: follow-up of the exhibition Palazzo Te at the Mirror – ABAD Architetti Milano

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