_ Presentation of “ITA Agency”
_ Presentation of “Assorestauro”


A bond never broken

Alessandro Zanini, President of Assorestauro
Morteza Mirgholami, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism Tabriz Islamic Art University


The relationship between the project of restoration and project structural strengthening – Carlo Blasi | Università di Parma

Monitoring, diagnostics and investigations projects – Boviar srl

The importance of a multidisciplinary approach in restoration projects – Studio Berlucchi srl

Criteria and techniques for repairing and strengthening the architectural heritage: research and applications – Claudio Modena | Università degli Studi di Padova

Peculiar technology for masonry strenghtening – Bossong spa

The Trajan Markets and their Great Hall – Spc srl

Architectural restoration and Seismic Reinforcement of Historic Buildings – Lorenzo Jurina | Politecnico di Milano ABC dept.

Carpi Cathedral. Dome anti-seismic reinforcement – Fibre Net srl

Enhancement and protection – Italiana Costruzioni spa

Scarica la rivista - QA A05N3